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Mothers Raising Godly Daughters

Beautiful Changes

"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty." ~ Maya Angelou

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Friday, August 9, 2013
My heart is just aching for some people I love very much right now... So many people ~ some connected, some not ~ are going through so many hurts, trials, frustrations... Recently, I got to spend some very precious time with a young man, feeling angry, frustrated, sad with himself & the world because of some things he struggles with that he just doesn't understand... As we sat there talking, he just began sobbing... He wasn't just teary eyed - I'm talking full out, crying out to God, heart-wrenching sobs... He just kept asking "Why?! WHY do I have to be like this?! Why does it have to be so hard?! WHY did Eve have to do what she did? Why didn't Adam stop her?! There was NO sin in the whole world and still, it wasn't good enough for them, so they messed it up for all of us! If they had just walked away instead of taking that stupid bite, everything would be fine and good and I would be better. I wouldn't have such a hard time! I don't want to be like this. I want to be different. I want to be good. I really want to be good. WHY couldn't they do that?! Why couldn't they  just walk away?!" ...... My heart just hurt for him... for all of us... as I quietly explained," because she was human... because, even when we are given everything we could ever want, and even when we are surrounded by near perfection... because we are not perfect, we long for it, and just like we struggle to walk away from our own temptations, and just like we struggle to be patient or calm or quiet or confident or joyful, etc... Adam and Eve did as well... And just like the choices we make can have a domino affect for the people around us, Adam and Eve's choices did too... So, we can't really blame them for just being human... because none of us are God and we all make mistakes..." Then, we got to talk about how one day, though, all of these struggles and frustrations and hurts and fears are going to disappear because we will be at Home with Him... and I got to see this amazing, broken-hearted boy light up with excitement at the thought of being free from all of these earthly heartaches and frustrations... And his smile lit up the room...


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