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"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty." ~ Maya Angelou
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Sunday, May 13, 2012
To The Women In My Life
5/13/2012 |
Posted by
Sham-Rock |
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When Mother’s Day rolls around, it always gets me thinking of the special women who have been influential in my life… Those precious women who have taught me, guided me, been examples to me, encouraged me, and stood by me… So, today, Mothers’ Day, in honor of a few of the wonderful women God has blessed me with in my life, I thought I would share exactly why they are so precious to me…
The first woman I want to tell you about has been one of my best and closest friends for approximately fifteen years. She started out as my Youth Leader at church, then became my Sunday School teacher, and when I was fifteen years old, we, along with the rest of the youth group and leaders, went on a mission trip to Italy, where, in a private moment, this beautiful, precious, vivacious woman shared part of her testimony with me, and thanks to her example, her honesty, and her guidance, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord, and Savior that night, and I have never been the same since. This woman has stood by my side, both literally and figuratively, always being honest with me, loving me, encouraging me, praying with and for me… She has cried with me, laughed with me, told me when I was being a brat or making bad choices, and she has celebrated with me over victories. She has held me accountable, defended me, helped me to grow in maturity, in faith, and in grace. She has been an example of a courageous, bold, passionate wife, mother, daughter, and friend, and has taught me that standing up for what is right and for God’s holy truth, and being myself – the person God has designed and called me to be – in order to glorify and honor Him is what matters most in this life. She has taught me about the importance of having integrity, being trustworthy, being honest, and standing strong on the things that matter… She has also taught me that there is often a difference between Biblical truth and someone’s opinion/preference. She is one of the few people in my life who, no matter how rarely we get to see each other, no matter how long it’s been since we’ve talked, we always pick right up where we left off. She is one of the few who I know I could call for any reason, at any time, and that she would come running if I needed her. I cannot imagine my life without her in it. So, Kelly W., I love you, my friend, and I cherish you, your family, and our friendship. Thank you for being you, and for loving me the way you do.
The next woman I want to tell you about is someone who loves God and people more genuinely than anyone I’ve ever known. This precious woman is a shining example of what it means to truly live your faith. She gives of herself with fervor, always choosing to serve those around her – even complete strangers. She was one of the first people in my life who, when she learned I needed prayer about something, didn’t just say “I’ll pray for you”; instead, she grabbed my hand and said, “Let’s pray.” ~ She truly has that meek and gentle spirit, and being around her makes me feel closer to the Lord. Talking with her, spending time with her strengthens the desire in my heart to seek God and follow Him. She exhuberates joy, even as she goes through significant trials... She has taught me to look for God in every little detail of life, as she shares with me all of the ways she sees Him working and revealing himself in her own life ~ whether it be through a hospital stay or a trip to the beach or in a fussy child or a gift from a friend or in preparing a meal… By example, she has taught me to open my eyes and take notice that God isn’t just some distant person who we check in with and read about at church on Sundays… He is all around us, intricately involved in every minute detail of our lives, weaving a beautiful tapestry out of things that we so often overlook… and she has taught me that sometimes, even the things we deem as ugly or bad or unnecessary or hurtful are things that He is using and will often make something amazing and beautiful out of them… I have only known her for a short few years, but it seems like we have been through a lifetime together. She and her family have become such important parts of my life. Through them – through her – I have learned, by not only talking with her, but by observing her actions, how to be a better wife, a better mother, a better daughter and friend, and I have seen a true example of what it means to “love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” (Deut. 6:5) Marilyn C., you are the God-Mother of my children. I am so thankful to have you in my life. You have taught me what it means to submit to God, submit to my husband, and that being a good mother, wife, woman, does not mean following a cookie-cutter pattern ~ that it is about following the Lord and letting Him show me what will work best for my individual family, without worrying about what other people think, or what other people are or are not doing. You have taught me to stop looking at other people as my go-to example and to focus on Jesus Christ, letting God’s word and His Holy Spirit be my guide. Thank you for encouraging me in my faith and in so many other ways. I love you.
Next is a woman I have known for about 10 years or so now. She has a quiet, graceful spirit, but she is also one of the strongest women I know. She has exemplified what it means to have an amazingly strong work ethic. She is a true southern belle, sweet, loving, faithful, and she has a heart for family and a deep love for the Lord. One of the things she has taught me is the importance of not taking things – especially people – for granted. She is a true steel magnolia, beautiful, full of grace, standing strong no matter what life throws her way ~ even in the midst of battles, sorrows, hurts, and fears, she draws on the strength of the Lord to carry her through; she never gives up. From her, I have learned what it means to truly be a lady. She has taught me the importance of putting first things first, and not letting other less or un-important things get in the way of what matters most. She has taught me that it is important to learn from your mistakes, and to look to God for guidance as to how to correct things. She has been a true example of faithfulness, always consistent in keeping her commitments and honoring her word. She has been a courageous example of self-control, goodness, and gentleness, and has taught me by example what it looks like to honor and respect your husband. I’ve always heard horror stories of mothers-in-law, and how awful they can be. I am thankful that I’ve had the opposite experience, and that I have a Godly mother-in-love who is kind and loving and sweet, and who I count as a friend. Thank you, Gail S., for being a wonderful blessing in my life.
The last woman I want to tell you about is someone who I have known all my life. She has been my biggest supporter, encourager, the person wanting nothing but the best for me and always doing whatever she can to help me succeed. She is someone who has bent over backwards taking care of me, serving me, blessing me. She has made countless sacrifices for the simple reason that she loves me, often without any recognition or thanks, many times going completely unnoticed. She has taught me the value of giving of yourself for the love of another person. She has taught me what it means to work hard and well. She is one of the most giving, supportive, helpful people I know, always willing to step in and do what needs to be done in order to help someone else or to make something happen. She has taught me the importance of both holding my tongue when necessary, and also speaking my mind when it matters. She has been there for me – always – rooting me on, cheering for me, dishing out tough love when I needed it, and always telling and showing me in every way she knew how exactly how much she loves me. She has taught me how much fun it is to play with my kids. I have watched her face seemingly impossible, sometimes terrifying, circumstances with immense strength and determination; she has taught me that just because things are hard, there is no reason to give up. Because of her example, I have learned to stand strong through the trials that come in life, and because of the strength she taught me, instilled in me, I have overcome countless obstacles. She is the one who taught me to be silly, and she is the one who snuggled up with me to watch Cinderella or The Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast for the ten thousandth time, without complaint... She kept my secrets, and loved me at times when I was at my absolute worst. She held me when I cried, and rejoiced with me in times of happiness. She encouraged me to pursue my dreams and goals, and told me I was beautiful, even though I didn’t always feel that way. She kept me safe and loved me even when I made mistakes. She would give up just about any/everything in her possession in order to meet the needs of my family. She volunteers tirelessly, and she has taught me the importance and significance of “behind the scenes” work, by doing things that people notice, but never think about until they aren’t done. She is strong and beautiful and dedicated and faithful. She is an amazing and incredible woman, and without her, not only would I not be the person I am, but I would not be here at all! ;oP She is my Mamma, and I love her indescribably. Shannon B., thank you for… everything… You are precious to me and I am so thankful for you…
Happy Mothers Day <3
The first woman I want to tell you about has been one of my best and closest friends for approximately fifteen years. She started out as my Youth Leader at church, then became my Sunday School teacher, and when I was fifteen years old, we, along with the rest of the youth group and leaders, went on a mission trip to Italy, where, in a private moment, this beautiful, precious, vivacious woman shared part of her testimony with me, and thanks to her example, her honesty, and her guidance, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord, and Savior that night, and I have never been the same since. This woman has stood by my side, both literally and figuratively, always being honest with me, loving me, encouraging me, praying with and for me… She has cried with me, laughed with me, told me when I was being a brat or making bad choices, and she has celebrated with me over victories. She has held me accountable, defended me, helped me to grow in maturity, in faith, and in grace. She has been an example of a courageous, bold, passionate wife, mother, daughter, and friend, and has taught me that standing up for what is right and for God’s holy truth, and being myself – the person God has designed and called me to be – in order to glorify and honor Him is what matters most in this life. She has taught me about the importance of having integrity, being trustworthy, being honest, and standing strong on the things that matter… She has also taught me that there is often a difference between Biblical truth and someone’s opinion/preference. She is one of the few people in my life who, no matter how rarely we get to see each other, no matter how long it’s been since we’ve talked, we always pick right up where we left off. She is one of the few who I know I could call for any reason, at any time, and that she would come running if I needed her. I cannot imagine my life without her in it. So, Kelly W., I love you, my friend, and I cherish you, your family, and our friendship. Thank you for being you, and for loving me the way you do.
The next woman I want to tell you about is someone who loves God and people more genuinely than anyone I’ve ever known. This precious woman is a shining example of what it means to truly live your faith. She gives of herself with fervor, always choosing to serve those around her – even complete strangers. She was one of the first people in my life who, when she learned I needed prayer about something, didn’t just say “I’ll pray for you”; instead, she grabbed my hand and said, “Let’s pray.” ~ She truly has that meek and gentle spirit, and being around her makes me feel closer to the Lord. Talking with her, spending time with her strengthens the desire in my heart to seek God and follow Him. She exhuberates joy, even as she goes through significant trials... She has taught me to look for God in every little detail of life, as she shares with me all of the ways she sees Him working and revealing himself in her own life ~ whether it be through a hospital stay or a trip to the beach or in a fussy child or a gift from a friend or in preparing a meal… By example, she has taught me to open my eyes and take notice that God isn’t just some distant person who we check in with and read about at church on Sundays… He is all around us, intricately involved in every minute detail of our lives, weaving a beautiful tapestry out of things that we so often overlook… and she has taught me that sometimes, even the things we deem as ugly or bad or unnecessary or hurtful are things that He is using and will often make something amazing and beautiful out of them… I have only known her for a short few years, but it seems like we have been through a lifetime together. She and her family have become such important parts of my life. Through them – through her – I have learned, by not only talking with her, but by observing her actions, how to be a better wife, a better mother, a better daughter and friend, and I have seen a true example of what it means to “love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” (Deut. 6:5) Marilyn C., you are the God-Mother of my children. I am so thankful to have you in my life. You have taught me what it means to submit to God, submit to my husband, and that being a good mother, wife, woman, does not mean following a cookie-cutter pattern ~ that it is about following the Lord and letting Him show me what will work best for my individual family, without worrying about what other people think, or what other people are or are not doing. You have taught me to stop looking at other people as my go-to example and to focus on Jesus Christ, letting God’s word and His Holy Spirit be my guide. Thank you for encouraging me in my faith and in so many other ways. I love you.
Next is a woman I have known for about 10 years or so now. She has a quiet, graceful spirit, but she is also one of the strongest women I know. She has exemplified what it means to have an amazingly strong work ethic. She is a true southern belle, sweet, loving, faithful, and she has a heart for family and a deep love for the Lord. One of the things she has taught me is the importance of not taking things – especially people – for granted. She is a true steel magnolia, beautiful, full of grace, standing strong no matter what life throws her way ~ even in the midst of battles, sorrows, hurts, and fears, she draws on the strength of the Lord to carry her through; she never gives up. From her, I have learned what it means to truly be a lady. She has taught me the importance of putting first things first, and not letting other less or un-important things get in the way of what matters most. She has taught me that it is important to learn from your mistakes, and to look to God for guidance as to how to correct things. She has been a true example of faithfulness, always consistent in keeping her commitments and honoring her word. She has been a courageous example of self-control, goodness, and gentleness, and has taught me by example what it looks like to honor and respect your husband. I’ve always heard horror stories of mothers-in-law, and how awful they can be. I am thankful that I’ve had the opposite experience, and that I have a Godly mother-in-love who is kind and loving and sweet, and who I count as a friend. Thank you, Gail S., for being a wonderful blessing in my life.
The last woman I want to tell you about is someone who I have known all my life. She has been my biggest supporter, encourager, the person wanting nothing but the best for me and always doing whatever she can to help me succeed. She is someone who has bent over backwards taking care of me, serving me, blessing me. She has made countless sacrifices for the simple reason that she loves me, often without any recognition or thanks, many times going completely unnoticed. She has taught me the value of giving of yourself for the love of another person. She has taught me what it means to work hard and well. She is one of the most giving, supportive, helpful people I know, always willing to step in and do what needs to be done in order to help someone else or to make something happen. She has taught me the importance of both holding my tongue when necessary, and also speaking my mind when it matters. She has been there for me – always – rooting me on, cheering for me, dishing out tough love when I needed it, and always telling and showing me in every way she knew how exactly how much she loves me. She has taught me how much fun it is to play with my kids. I have watched her face seemingly impossible, sometimes terrifying, circumstances with immense strength and determination; she has taught me that just because things are hard, there is no reason to give up. Because of her example, I have learned to stand strong through the trials that come in life, and because of the strength she taught me, instilled in me, I have overcome countless obstacles. She is the one who taught me to be silly, and she is the one who snuggled up with me to watch Cinderella or The Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast for the ten thousandth time, without complaint... She kept my secrets, and loved me at times when I was at my absolute worst. She held me when I cried, and rejoiced with me in times of happiness. She encouraged me to pursue my dreams and goals, and told me I was beautiful, even though I didn’t always feel that way. She kept me safe and loved me even when I made mistakes. She would give up just about any/everything in her possession in order to meet the needs of my family. She volunteers tirelessly, and she has taught me the importance and significance of “behind the scenes” work, by doing things that people notice, but never think about until they aren’t done. She is strong and beautiful and dedicated and faithful. She is an amazing and incredible woman, and without her, not only would I not be the person I am, but I would not be here at all! ;oP She is my Mamma, and I love her indescribably. Shannon B., thank you for… everything… You are precious to me and I am so thankful for you…
Happy Mothers Day <3
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